Mapmaking Support Forum Guidelines

This is where all discussion of SC2 mapmaking should be held. This forum exists particularly for mapmaking needs. If you have a question on how something works or have need for some code review, this is the place to put it.
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Mapmaking Support Forum Guidelines

Post by Rising_Dusk » Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:40 am

This is a support forum. Because of that fact, all topics should be posted with clear and understandable titles so that anyone with the ability to help can do so easily and effectively. Also, topics will (usually) be closed 48 hours after they have become inactive. This is to ensure that only currently pressing needs are taken into account and we don't see topic ressurections after five months.

Examples of proper titles:
  • Trigger Giving Syntax Error
  • Unable to Create Sand
  • How to Extend Map Boundaries?
Examples of poor titles:
  • HALP ME PLX!11!one!1TWO
  • Help me with this please!
Ensure that your title gives a clear, though brief, description of the problem you are encountering.

I am not adept at SC2 editing because I neither own the game nor do I plan to for awhile. By asking your question here, I can't actually guarantee that we'll be able to answer appropriately, but I'm sure someone will try. There are likely better venues for asking such questions, such as the newly unveiled SC2C. Cheers and good luck in your SC2 mapmaking!
"I'll come to Florida one day and make you look like a damn princess." ~Hep


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