Tower Bleeds and Other Bugs (More Detail)

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Tower Bleeds and Other Bugs (More Detail)

Post by assassingao » Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:10 pm


Tower bleeds when it was hit by Rikter's Keen Edge, as a friend of mine proved.

I'm still not sure whether other heroes' bleed make towers bleed or not, but I assumed that they don't.

I hope that it's an issue from Keen Edge that might be easily fixed, but if I stumble upon any more of bleeding towers, I'll notify you guys in this topic.

Bear with us (as playtesters) if it took too long, but it's quite rare to get a game going on.

Confirmed #1
  • Rikter's Keen Edge make tower bleeds from attacks, but not from Whirlwind Edge.
    "Enemies Must Die!" does not call hallowed order's creeps.
    Dis takes damage from burn when he has used heartburn.
Confirmed #2
  • Arclight does not make towers burn.
    Genobee's Bloodletter Swarm and Scourge does not make towers bleed.
    En Fuego, Enfuego + Explosive Arrows, Fire and Flames does not make towers burn.
    Rigor Mortis does not make towers bleed.
    Voidstorm does not make towers burn.
    Barbed Javelins does not make towers bleed. Blaze does not make towers burn.
    Communion does not make towers bleed.
    Spitfire's burn and Consuming Flames does not burn towers.
    Fireball and Scorched Earth does not burn towers.
    Roses are Red and Precision Aura does not make towers bleed.
Last edited by assassingao on Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:41 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Tower Bleeds (More Detail)

Post by Rising_Dusk » Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:30 pm

I appreciate the report. I suspect it was an oversight if it was caused by just one ability.
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Re: Tower Bleeds and Other Bugs (More Detail)

Post by assassingao » Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:35 pm

I might find more bugs and that's worth it :D

So future generations of DoE players wouldn't get themselves screwed by some bugs that I failed to find.

EDIT: All heroes with bleed and burn are tested (Complete)

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Re: Tower Bleeds and Other Bugs (More Detail)

Post by Rising_Dusk » Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:14 am

I have fixed this. Thanks again.
"I'll come to Florida one day and make you look like a damn princess." ~Hep


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