And if Meridia just goes the "movement speed attack speed right click" build, she will most likely fail. You should use all of the abilities at the hero's disposal, same thing with Jhita. Although massive attack speed is nice, I for one wouldn't just auto activate Stiffling Arrows and hope to kill something. Her role isn't to do that. I guess it's all how the player uses the hero, and how good and bad the results are. But that goes for everything, so that goes without saying.
If Meridia's other spells (like KoD being only 20 mana) 20 or 40 mana for Stiffling Arrows won't be a problem, because she will most likely have a lot left over or some to spare. I also think you guys are underestimating random bleed or burn, it can be used to harass heroes or finish off a hero you're chasing or something (if you inflict it, that is).
One last thing, you should never rely your survivability on chance. You shouldn't charge into a group of enemies with Rikter and hope that you'll get a bunch of crits and walk out with 10 hp (or if I'm being chased, I don't expect to kill the heroes with crits). Same with Atrius, you shouldn't go in with 10% hp and just think you'll permabash someone and walk away. So I 100% would not expect Stiffling Arrows inflicting random conditions to save me all the time, as I stated earlier, the default mute doesn't always save you. If you die, you probably got yourself into a silly situation in the first place anyway.
But that being said, while I would not rely on the arrows to simply save me or kill a hero I'm chasing, I would use them for many other purposes.
Can you explain further? I'm having trouble making sense of that. The system and it's buffs are not being changed, a spell is.An ability that can cause random conditions seems against DoE's condition system.
Anyway, sorry for text wall, first post and all.