[B+] Skilliga

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[B+] Skilliga

Post by Fledermaus » Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:00 am

Caliga Err'
Council Member: Blade
Strength; Bane of Eternity.

A mighty roar pierced the eternal night of the Void. His army had long since fallen, but he needed not an army to slaughter his foes! They came wave after wave at him, he phased back and forth into the darkness, ripping and tearing at his foes with his dual reaper blades.
Baneites fell in troves at his hands, dismembered, gouged open, and left to die. By the time the Lord of Blades and the ash in the sky settled, there was little more but the ruin of a once strong army. Over the decades, Caliga had long since forfeited having an army. He was a killing machine and he had no desire to try to lead lesser voidwalkers or baneites to their death. There was far too much at stake to risk the handicap of allies, but still creatures followed him to their death because of his sheer power.
He looked upon the field of battle as the ash settled. A group of survivors gathered behind him as he walked into the distance. More fodder for the coming battles...
Level 1 Skill:
  • Active, Target Point
    Caliga summons Voidwalkers at a target point, they will move towards him dealing X magickal damage per second to nearby enemies and mute them for Y seconds.
    The Voidwalkers last until they come within melee range and have slightly higher move speed than a fast hero.
Level 1 Skill:
Oblivion Seal
  • Active, Target Unit
    Caliga marks the target, making it take X% more damage and unable to lose conditions.
    Lasts Y seconds.
Level 1 Skill:
  • Active, Instant Cast
    Phases Caliga partially into the Void where he takes 66% more magickal damage, 66% less physical damage, and has X bonus movement speed. If he attacks a foe, they will have ruined extended by Y seconds.
    Lasts Z seconds or until he attacks a target.

    Does not flip his attack type to magickal nor make him invisible on the minimap.
Level 6 Ultimate:
  • Passive
    Whenever Caliga hits with an attack, he attacks the target once more for half damage. Attacks an additional time for every X conditions the target is suffering from.
Not finished yet..

Haunt would have a medium-ish cooldown so that you could get 2-3 active at once if you did it right.

I picture Voidwalk as a spammable skill that you can keep almost constantly on, much like Mirrage.

Not sure if Tombreaver should round conditions up or down, probably down.

Questions to Think About:

  • What does Caliga need? - To be less click and forget
  • What doesn't Caliga need? - A buff
  • Is my hero overdone or cliche? - I don't think so
  • Is my hero simple enough? - I believe so
  • Have I seen my hero's style elsewhere before? - Yeah, on Caliga
  • Does it have enough condition interaction? - I believe so
  • Is that condition interaction solid and appropriate for both team and solo settings? - Yup
  • Does my ultimate feel like it belongs as an ultimate? - Hell yeah
  • Is my hero's ultimate useful no matter what skills the player picks for the hero? - Yup
  • Is my hero too passive? - Possibly
  • Would my hero be fun to play? - You better believe it
  • Does my hero require skill to play effectively? - Mhmm
  • Does my hero have too many click-shoot skills? - Possibly, but he is Caliga after all xD
  • Does my hero have a defined role, theme, or style? - CALIIIIIIIIIIIIIGA
  • Did I rush when I made my hero? - Don't think so
  • Do any skills feel filler? - Not really, maybe Haunt
  • Does everyone else seem to like it? - *shrug*
  • Does my hero have a retarded or meaningless title and/or name? - Yes :p
  • Would my hero fit into DoE? - I think so
  • Would I play my hero? - Yes
  • Would others? - Again, *shrug*
  • Does my hero follow the correct format? - Yup
Last edited by Fledermaus on Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:35 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Skilliga

Post by Deschain » Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:39 am

Hmm seeing you commented on mine, it would be rude if I did not share some of my sentiments.

1. I had a similar idea for a Haunt, ghost charging is fun as hell. Only thing you might wanna change is the number of ghost that come out (as more ghost density = more damage)

2. I don't like this spell (Oblivion Seal) much. I always pictured caliga as someone who prefers to duel mano-a-mano.

3. Voidwalk. Nice clean spell, I like the ruin on attack. In fact I borrowed this from you (mine was original double strike on attack but that made no sense). Hope you don't mind ;)

4. Passive tombreaver. I like this spell really. In fact I think a passive Tomb Reaver is better than a activated one. And it interacts nicely with the other spells. That for each X conditions feels a bit weird IMHO, I'd rather change half damage to X% damage but it is a great skill non the less.
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Re: Skilliga

Post by Fledermaus » Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:15 pm

[01:17:23 PM] <2-P> yours is kinda weird fled, he kinda... encourages that you don't attack with him
Yeah I was afraid of this happening but I think it would be similar to how Sozen does it: you speed up around them with Voidwalk so they take damage from Haunt, then hit when it's about to end to apply the ruin, smack a bit while Voidwalk finishes cooling down and they're ruind/muted/any other conditions. Rinse and Repeat.
The other thing is that unless you had 3+ Haunts active, you would probably out dps Haunt with Tombreaver + ruin so that would probably be the preferred option.

As for Oblivion Seal, I think I might borrow from Dusk a bit and try something like this:
Level 1 Skill:
Oblivion Seal
  • Active, Target Unit
    Caliga marks the target, they both only take X% (<100%) damage from sources other than each other and Caliga deals Y% bonus damage to the target.
    Lasts Z seconds or until one of the two dies.
EDIT: Random other thought for OS:
Level 1 Skill:
Oblivion Seal
  • Active, Target Unit
    Caliga marks the target, making it take X% more damage and unable to lose conditions.
    Lasts Y seconds.
GG Wrath.

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Re: Skilliga

Post by Deschain » Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:11 pm

I personally prefer the second version. Stacks more with ruin and prolongs it. Though I guess having OS + any other condition is rather IMBA.
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Re: Skilliga

Post by TheDeathstalker » Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:45 pm

Only problem is the second one doesn't solve any of Cali's problems, and neither does the first too well, for that matter. Remember, we're trying to make him do more than run in and click on you with each of his spells and laugh as you die horribly.

As it stands, the first skill just makes it so he necessarily kills a single target first, before moving onto the next, not really changing the game there other than locking up his options.

An inability to lose conditions is interesting, yes, but I dunno how you would make good use of it other than having it be that nice boon that you can combo with on the rare rare instance where it works. Or of course, if anyone has any type of cripple.
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Re: Skilliga

Post by Fledermaus » Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:21 pm

Re Second New OS: I feel that it is an improvement over the current Oblivion Seal because it isn't as "click and forget". I see the X% bonus damage as being a smallish number so that you do not gain a great bonus from just spamming it on your target whenever you can. That would still be an option but the greatness of the skill would come with timing it right as conditions are about to end to get that extra couple of seconds where Tombreaver smacks the shit out of them (or awesome cripple length).
It also encourages team play more while not being completely useless with no allies around since longer duration on mute and ruin from him would make Tombreaver better as well as making it harder to kill Cali/get away because they can't cast spells.

Re First New OS: It would help with his survivability but yeah, it is a bit boring.

The more I think about the second one, the more I like it. Will probably end up using it unless something else comes to mind/people convince me it really is bad.

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Re: Skilliga

Post by Rising_Dusk » Mon May 17, 2010 2:39 am

  • Skills:
    - It's interesting to turn Haunt into a reverse-path damaging skill. It's also interesting in that it's no longer click-shoot, but targets a point and then they come to you. I'm intrigued, and generally that's a very good thing.
    - Oblivion Seal is an interesting take on the move It forces Caliga to work with teammates, since he cannot inflict many conditions on his own as you have him except Ruin with Voidwalk or Mute with Haunt. Making conditions unable to expire is an interesting twist as well, since that can be really devastating if you combine it with like the tail end of a Wrath from Exuro. (Lawl)
    - Hrm... I am not sure that I like Voidwalk causing Ruin. There doesn't seem to be much downside to staying perpetually in Voidwalk as you have it, since the risk of magickal damage being boosted is certainly worth completely ruining anything you hit. This could use a bit of tweaking, possibly.
    - Tombreaver is cool. I'm not sure how much I like the idea of adding more hits for each condition, but it makes sense and combines excellently with your rendition of Oblivion Seal.
  • Feel:
    - I like that you actually attempted a story. Props.
    - I think that your rendition of Caliga is both inspired and very cool in general. It adds a dimension of aim to Caliga that's not present in his current form or in any of the other submissions I've read thus far. It's also taken the idea of conditions and actually weaved them into him in a meaningful way. If I don't use this submission as the winner, I will certainly be taking some ideas from it in whatever the end product does wind up as.
    - It's hard to find a reason to not score this one as an A, honestly, but for some reason it feels a bit less like Caliga as I envision him. One of the tricks with this is that I was really hoping we'd eliminate all AOE from him with this contest, or at least a majority of it. You have basically kept Caliga at the same level as he is currently in terms of this, and I'm not quite sure if that's how I want it to end up. For the moment, I will score this a B+ for being excellent, but not jaw-droppingly "This is it" in its impact on me.
  • End Grade:
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