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Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:39 pm
by Ironkiwi
Visions. Nothing more than the sight of pain and sorrow that fill's my heart to a bitter darkness. Visions. What a damn shame! I wake up to a bright light that is glaring through the window. Bright light and the cold sweat that runs down my spine. I wake up to sickness, crying, and loss of hope. What is hope anyway? I get myself to my feet, as I try not to think about what is to come later in the day. But everyday that I am alive is both a gift and a curse. Everyday seems to be nothing more than pain and torture. But can one man make a difference? There are days I believe so. And then again, Judgment Day is upon us. I gather the troops to prepare to escape the City of New Haven. We are locked up in a Juice Factory. Locked up tight. Because what is waiting for us outside, is nothing more than evil incarnate. We ready ourselves with guns, knives, anything that can be used as weapons. We ready ourselves for Hell on Earth. There is only 5 dozens of us ready to do anything to survive. But you must need all the knowledge to survive in this dark age. it's almost time for another speech. The speech gives courage to the fighting man. Maybe that is all that they need to survive is a little courage. My army, the warriors gather around. I look at all their faces. I stand on the table. Look around again. It's time for courage and survival. "People. Judgment is upon us." The noise get's louder outside. It's time.