What's this? Scarlet's 20?

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What's this? Scarlet's 20?

Post by Rising_Dusk » Tue May 13, 2008 11:25 am

In lieu of embarrassing her in an announcement I want to commend Scarlet for officially being two whole decades old. Scarlet has been one of the most valuable new members of VZ in years and has helped out infinitely so by taking control over the WC3 VZ and keeping the angry little kiddies in line when they get pissy and bicker over useless things. In addition, she has a phenomenal outlook on the internet that allows her to maintain a cool and unbiased (Though equally virulent in most cases!) opinion on topics that need such regard.

I wish on behalf of VZ and especially myself a very happy birthday and many mixed drinks to Scarlet this day, hoorah!
"I'll come to Florida one day and make you look like a damn princess." ~Hep

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